Clinics and Services
Asthma/COPD Clinic
By Appointment with Lorraine/Jacquelynn
Minor Ailments Clinic
By Appointment with Alister
Minor Surgery Clinic
Monday weekly
Child Health Surveillance
Monday afternoon weekly
Diabetic Clinic
By appointment with Lorraine/Jacquelynn
Other Clinics include:
- Hypertension Clinics
- Cervical Smears
- Drug Dependency Clinic
- Family Planning
- Physiotherapy
- Travel Immunisation
- Weight Reduction Advice
- Well Person Healthcare.
Midwife Led Clinic
Monday from 2pm weekly
Podiatrists specialise in the foot, ankle and leg, leading the patient care through the whole journey including prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Please click here to access the NHS Fife Podiatry self referral form.
Stop Smoking Support
Wednesday morning weekly

Available on request – the practice offers health checks to any patient not seen in the previous three years and for those over 75 years old.